Winter’s a-brewin’ at Diamond Knot

There’s nothing more powerful to combat the blood-curdling chill of a Washington Winter than a winter warmer from Diamond Knot Craft Brewing. Two seasonal beers to add to your list this winter are our Storm Surge Winter and the Ho!Ho! Winter Ale.  


Storm Surge Winter

Available here at the brewery from October 1 - February 15, the Storm Surge Winter is a black ale we are mighty proud of. Northwest hops, specifically Simcoe, gives this crisp beer a citrusy pop. With a hint of roasted notes, this rich combination of flavors is sure to warm you up from deep within. While we appreciate the hints of citrus already embraced by our dark Storm Surge Winter, we thought we’d experiment with this draft by filtering it through whole-leaf Simcoe hops. 

Join us for Randall Night at The Alehouse where we’ll do just that, infusing one of our favorite winter beers with more citrus flavor. Stop in from 5 - 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 2 to try a unique twist on one of our winter favorites. Can’t make? Fret not, Randall Night is held the first Thursday of every month.  


Ho!Ho! Winter Ale 

A much-appreciated winter warmer of ours, the Ho!Ho! Winter Ale is a malty, hoppy seasonal offering available at Diamond Knot. Dubbed the Brewmaster’s favorite, this dark beer is comprised of malt, yeast, and hops. It’s a big and full bodied beer that strikes just the right balance of bitter and malty. Don’t wait too long to try this ale, we produce it in limited quantities and will have it on draft through December 31!  


You Idea Machine, You! 

Are you constantly cooking up ideas for new brews or have thoughts on our beer that you’d like to share? We’d like to hear from you! Drop us a line at with R&D in the subject line, we’ll share your ideas with our brewers. 

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