Top Diamond Knot Pairings for Your Summer BBQ
Summer is synonymous with firing up the grill, chilling the brews and inviting friends and family over for a good ol’ fashioned barbeque. While you’ve been busy carving out your summer plans, we took the liberty of working up some Diamond Knot pairings both you and your guests are sure to appreciate.
Blonde Ale & Spicy Fare
When preparing sweet and spicy foods, a blonde ale pairing is without a doubt ideal. Spicy grilled shrimp and chicken serve as the perfect complement to a blonde ale, which will crank up the heat at first sip but ease the flames towards the end. The caramel tones in blonde ales work well when paired with sweet foods so don’t hesitate to bust out some fresh pineapple mango salsa.
IPA & Grilled Meat
That’s right, we are confident that IPA’s pair well with just about any grilled meat, especially steaks and burgers. When cooked to the point of caramelization, the meat contrasts really well with the Columbus and Super Galena hops in flagship beer, the Diamond Knot IPA.
Hefeweizen & Sausage
It will come as no surprise that this German-style wheat beer naturally pairs really well with sausages of all types. Serve it up with mustard and a side of potato salad and you’ve got yourself a hearty, refreshing meal. Don’t forget any vegetarian guests joining you at your summer BBQ. Our Hefeweizen also complements a variety of salads as they pick up on the subtle, light flavors of the beer.
Did you know that we offer a keg-to-go option perfect for your next summer BBQ? We take care of the essentials by providing two large bags of ice, a bucket and a party pump so that you’re party ready once you leave Diamond Knot. You can learn more about the nitty gritty of our keg-to-go option on our website.