'Tis the Holiday Season at DK!
This won’t come as a big surprise but here at Diamond Knot we take a lot of pride in getting into the holiday spirit. Not only are we bringing festivity to our monthly events and adding a holiday twist to one of our seasonal brews, but we’re embracing all that we appreciate most – craft beer, exceptional food, and lively experiences!
Holiday Events
For an especially festive Cask Night, join us at the Brewpub on Thursday, December 13! Given that it’s in December, naturally we had to load the cask up with one of our favorite holiday treats, candy canes! Mint and chocolate make for a pairing we’re sure you’ll appreciate as much as we do. The cask is tapped at 3pm, what are you waiting for? A malty, hoppy seasonal offering available at Diamond Knot, the Industrial Ho!Ho! pairs well with just about anything, citrus included! This citrus-inspired spin on our Industrial Ho! Ho! should be enough to get you excited about Randall Night at The Alehouse on Wednesday, December 12. The Randall is chock full of satsuma oranges and rich cocoa nibs, making for a Randall Night you won’t want to miss.
Don’t fret if you can’t join us for Randall Night as we’ll have this favorite winter warmer of ours available through the end of the year. Drop by and visit us to try our Industrial Ho!Ho!, a brew that strikes just the right balance between malty and hoppy. If you aren’t already fully embracing the holiday spirit, a sip of this cold one will infuse the festivity you’re missing. Whether you’re joining us for either of our holiday-inspired monthly events or visiting us at the Brewery & Alehouse for a meal among friends, we look forward to celebrating another holiday season with you.
Happiest of Holidays!