Does the Brewery Near Me have Good Beer?

In 1516, the Germans enacted the Purity Law for beer to ensure beer consumers were drinking well. The rule was simple enough: beers should contain four ingredients: barley, hops, yeast, and water. 

It's not exactly strange that as a modern-day beer lover, you want to know, "What's in this beer from the brewery near me?" "Should I keep visiting them this often?" 

This blog will help you identify good quality beer and what a great brewery should offer. 

Identifying Good Quality Beer 

The truth is that beer is subject to personal preferences, but keep in mind the four key ingredients we identified early on and there's a certain taste that the average glass of beer should offer to make it good quality. 

Here are a few indicators of Good Quality Beer: 


The taste is why you are there, but a difference in flavor doesn't always mean one beer is bad and the other is good. The type of yeast each brewery uses may differ, but there are two common types,  Ale yeast and Lager yeast. When you use ale for fermentation, the beer will likely have more esters, giving it a more fruity taste and aroma. 


Pure beer should have a clean finish after you swallow. If you can comfortably take three pints of that beer without being put off by a weirdly stubborn lingering taste in your mouth, you have great beer on your hands. 


Just like food, the aroma of a great beer should invite you. You know what your beer should smell like if you are a craft beer lover. So, before taking a sip, sniff the beer and see if you can smell the slight fragrance from the hop. 

But, of course, the smell of your beer can change if you love to experiment with flavored beers. 


A good glass of beer is not discreet; the foam from the beer should hang on the glass when you lightly swirl the beer around. The little lacing is a good assurance that you are drinking pure beer. 

In addition, good quality beer should have different small sizes of bubbles that stay on for a while. If the bubbles appear larger, equally sized, and disappear quickly, you likely have poorly made beer. 

The color or clarity of a beer can tell you something, but it's not always a clear indication of good quality. For instance, a cranberry-flavored beer is bound to have a darker, redder color. 

Brewery Near Me in Mountlake Terrace 

If you are in Mountlake Terrace and are wondering, "What brewery near me serves good beer?" you should head to Diamond Knot Brewery @ MLT. We are a close community with a range of beers for any beer lover, and we are open every day of the week! Reach out to us here if you have any questions.

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